In 2021, the NEW Plan B blog will publish monthly design tips for you to follow with your own gardens.

Some months will feature tips for certain shapes of gardens: the square garden, the long and thin garden, the wide and short garden, the irregular shaped garden.
Other months will feature general tips on the principles of garden design: creating mystery in a garden, telling a story, unity, wayfinding, creating height in a garden.
Whilst other months will feature hints and tips on both hard and soft landscaping: lighting, use of aggregates, planting for year round colour, the garden colour wheel.
This will all be brought to life with pictures from my designs, as well as photos from current and completed projects. Some of you my recognise your own garden!
First up in January 2021 will be some basic garden design principles that should underpin any type of garden transformation or design you may be considering.

If there is anything specific you would like to see covered, then just get in contact.