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Fab 5 Gardening Jobs to do in ... July


Here's your top 5 for July.

1. The grass! After a very busy few months with cutting the grass, this prolonged hot and dry weather will slow down its growth, meaning less cutting. Reduce the browning of your grass by cutting slightly higher than normal. In my opinion, watering your grass is not worth the effort, nor the water. That said, a liquid feed in summer is a good idea.


2. Perennial longevity - for your early flowering perennials, cut them back after flowering and this should encourage a second free showing of flowers.


3. Pots and baskets - these will need watering during these warm dry months. Regular watering is best and where possible use collected rain water - its cheaper and better for the plants! Also remember to deadhead regularly - a great relaxing early evening job.


4. Summer flowering shrubs - as a general rule of good maintenance, prune shrubs after they have flowered.


5. Often forgotten as a 'garden job' - find time to sit back and enjoy the 'fruits of your labour'. Spending time relaxing in the garden is a must for better health.


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